Download Facebook vector (SVG) logo

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With such a white lower case letter-layout on even a background blue image, the Facebook symbol is pretty neat. As previously stated, the blue and white color arrangement was chosen with Mark Zuckerberg's eyesight situation in mind. Even then, the color arrangement itself has historical importance, as blue and white had already traditionally been linked with pureness and optimism.

The symbol is expected to appear in Facebook product development and marketing components in the "upcoming days." We've recognized for a few days or weeks that Facebook will also eventually bring "from Facebook" to many of its many application stores, and it transforms that out by the classical dense blue Facebook brand logo; we'll be seeing this symbol.


Except for a few small alterations, the Facebook symbol hasn't modified well since its beginnings. It will always be a blue rectangle with the business logo published in white lower case.

Facebook Logo in 2003-2004

The framework was initially known as "The Facebook," with the logo consisting of the highlighted solid phrase "the Facebook" published in pale blue on a darker base. Further, the "The" was dropped in 2004, and the layout was shifted to white. The Facebook logo has maintained its famous rectangular texture ever since.

Facebook Logo in 2004-2005

An impressive fact about the brand logo, specifically the color arrangement Deuteranopia, and maybe even red-green color blindness, was a problem for Mark Zuckerberg. He will also (and still can) differentiate among textures of blue that many of us can't see. There is indeed a lot of doubt about what happened because most people agree with The New Yorker's argument that it would be Mark's eyesight abnormality that caused the incident. The layout and tones of the blue rectangular box throughout the new Facebook icon have been the only items that were different.

Such is accurate, but mostly in the component. The color scheme is well-known for its capacity to affect buyer choices and thus be strategic in advertising. Some work has been performed on the effect of different colors on the levels of effectiveness, and observations have been reached about which color works best in that sphere. Luxury brands, cosmetic products manufacturers and distributors, and building contractors, for example, consider black to be the most "stylish" and "highly qualified" color. Green has a calming effect and is useful in science, advanced education, and the ecosystem. Blue is much more "high-tech," spotless, and luxurious; thus, even Many businesses that rely on expert opinion also for new design still use this color to distinguish themselves. Facebook has none of that throughout this regard.

The very first slogan displayed the developer's original title, Facemash. On either a maroon backstory, the identity was written in white upper-case letters.

In 2004, Zuckerberg planned to establish "The Facebook," an internet database of Harvard university students. Six days that after the site went live, Zuckerberg has been blamed by three classmates for trying to support someone to construct a program called rather than using everyone's suggestions to create a competitive website. Crimson, the community college daily paper, was approached by the classmates and an independent inquiry. Regardless of the scandal, Facebook had been a huge hit, mostly on the Harvard University building. The majority of Harvard's students enrolled had profiles on the homepage during the first month of training.

Facebook Logo in 2005-2015

The color complexion of the Facebook icon was changed, and the structure was changed in the 2019 new design. The sky-blue wordmark has been set against a white backdrop, giving it a unique and creative appearance. The symbol has also been updated, with either the square layout being restored by a circle form in much the same softer blue texture (different parts of the character are available — smooth and gradient).

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Facebook Logo in 2015-present

Almost any time designers discuss the service till 2015, we can see the latest Facebook symbol. It's just a slightly modified version of the existing one, then. The major difference is hardly visible at first glance, and several customers are all still genuinely afraid of the transformation. Most of these arguments were much too minimal to be considered a change at all. The actual 'b' was substituted with an interface, but the double 'a' was replaced with a singular one. The color scheme had also been changed, but many other users would not notice the difference.

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Nevertheless, the change included a concept that has proven crucial to the brand image and efficiency. The idea has been to compromise a few of the aesthetic appeal of that same Facebook slogan in favor of functionality. In maintaining with the industry's evolving business plan, the highly simplified layout was presented. The initial model was made for PCs and also had a pixilation to match.

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Because of the influx of smartphones, a logo structure supporting a wider range of different screens is required. Because there are so many other devices and screen sizes, the latest Facebook symbol was designed to work on smaller devices. In this regard, the previous logo was still a little old-fashioned.

Slogan icon

The Facebook logo has gone via several changes, which you certainly didn't even notice, but if you were paying close interest. The emblem became sleeker and more modern for each remodel. The boundary was removed in the 2013 edition, and the “f” was got close to the bottom of the bucket. The one and only “crazy talk” the developers could muster was a barely noticeable 3D impact.

Facebook icon in 2005-2009

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Facebook icon in 2013-present

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Facebook icon in 2019-present

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A monochrome edition of such a Facebook icon retains the actual blue and white slogan structure and shapes. Still, it has various appearances, Circular, and square symbols, a simple "F" on a white backstory color, and, of course, a logo that makes up the world's best social mass media monochrome useful technological concept. The symbol will be used. It depends on the situation.

The logotype is used in 2 directions: with classic black block letters on a white backstory or with white letters on a laterally elongated black rectangle through its opposite edition.

Facebook Color Palette
Color Hex RGB
#3b5998 (59,89,152)
#8b9dc3 (139,157,195)
#dfe3ee (223,227,238)
#f7f7f7 (247,247,247)
#ffffff (255,255,255)


The world-famous Facebook path modeling will always be designed in a clear and clean sans-serif font that has evolved in quality and structure over time while maintaining the actual conceptual model of honesty, modernity, and reliability.

Another most iconic and long Facebook logotype was created in the lower case letter of even a provocative and stylish sans-serif Klavika Italics typeface. Following a modified design in 2015, a few other letter curves have been altered and shaped, offering the inscription a much more conventional and unique appearance.